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Monday, June 8, 2015

Real Madrid community manager was ordered not to Tweet congratulations to Barça for CL

With Twitter and Facebook really exploding in terms of corporate reach in recent years, the presence and activity of football clubs has become increasingly fundamental.

 Indeed, the activity and non-activity of a football club is scrutinized in minute detail, with fans and those of rival clubs never hesitant to point out inconsistencies and inaccuracies.

 So the non-activity of Real Madrid’s Twitter account last Saturday was rather conspicuous in the context of Barcelona’s Champions League Final triumph.

 The community manager was evidently given the day off, as not a single tweet was sent the entire day.

 Nor in the aftermath of Barcleona’s win: there was no tweet of congratulations for their great rivals. 

And according to Yahoo Sports, that was an order sent from above.

 By contrast, Barcelona tweeted their congratulations to Madrid on winning the European Cup last season, and regularly do so when their rivals achieve success.

 But perhaps after Gerard Pique’s comments, Madrid fans won’t be lamenting this too much.

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